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Unit Tests

A unit test is represented by a TestCase object. Instantiate a TestCase object by specifying a Name, Timeout, StateMachine and a FilterSet

  • Name is unit for a particular test scenario
  • Timeout is the maximum duration after which the test is terminated
  • StateMachine to assert a property
  • FilterSet implements an interface for handling each event.

Additionally a SetupFunc can be specified which will can make initialization calls to the replicas. This can be used to prep the replicas for the test scenario being executed.

When running a unit test, Netrix waits for replicas to be ready and then invokes the filters for every event received from the replicas. Each invocation of FilterSet returns a list of Messages which are delivered to the intended replica. Refer Data structures for documentation about data structure definitions used in this document.


Filters are invoked with an Event and a Context object which is meant for Filters to share information between successive calls. Context contains references to the MessagePool, ReplicaStore, EventDAG and VarSet which can be used when handling events.

  • MessagePool contains a reference to the pool of messages received by Netrix indexed by Message ID
  • ReplicaStore contains information about the replicas that are connected to Netrix. This can be used to fetch private key information when the filter intends to change a message.
  • EventDAG contains a history of all the events that have been encountered as a Directed acyclic graph
  • VarSet is a key value store that can be used to store information between success calls to the filters.


FilterSet allows you to specify a sequence of FilterFuncs to handle events.

type FilterFunc func(*Event, *Context) ([]*Message, bool)

The boolean value should be true if the FilterFunc handled the Event and false otherwise. FilterSet exposes AddFilter(FilterFunc) which should be used to add additional filters.

The filter set works as follows. For each event, the sequence of FilterFuncs is called until it returns true in the second return value. There is a default FilterFunc that handles events of type MessageSend and returns the corresponding Message referenced by the event. This means that when none of the FilterFuncs return true the message is delivered. If you use FilterSet without specifying any filters, then all messages are delivered by default.

Use WithDefault option when creating a FilterSet instance to specify a different default filters.

Conditions and Actions

FilterFunc represents a generic function that can be used to write restrictions on messages. We provide a default If().Then(), FilterFunc that is relevant in most circumstances. The syntax is as follows,

    If(cond1).Then(action1, action2, ...)
    If(cond2).Then(action3, action2, ...)

If requires a Condition as an argument and Then accepts a list of Actions as parameters. Conditions are functions that return true/false based on the current event and context and Actions determine which messages to deliver. We provide a default set of conditions, actions and functions to compose Conditions. Refer Conditions and Actions.

State machines

State machines are used to specify properties that assert the success of the unit test. testlib allows you to specify deterministic state machines where transitions are labelled with Condition functions. State machines should be constructed using the builder interface. An example syntax,

sm := NewStateMachine()
initial := sm.Builder()
state2 := initial.On(cond1, "state1").On(cond2, "state2")
state2.On(cond3, SuccessState)
state2.On(cond4, FailureState)

The state machine takes a step for every event starting from the initial state, similar to the filter set. If any of the transition conditions returns true for the current event, the state machine transitions to that state. Any state can be marked as a success state,


Test success/failure

Netrix continues executing the filter set and state machine until,

  1. State machine transitions to FailureState
  2. Timeout is triggered.

The TestCase succeeds if the state machine is in a success state at the end of the execution.

Next: Conditions and Actions